Looking for a blogger who will help you start your blog? Your in the right place here is 12 fab bloggers.
There is a large number of incredible content creators around the internet.
Don’t forget about the incredible advice that can help anyone with a little bit of hard work start their successful blog! Today we’re looking at the top ten bloggers who will get you inspired and put you on a path to success!
By Sophia Lee
- By Sophia Lee – https://bysophialee.com/
BSL is a fantastic blog to be watching! As a college student, Sophie started this blog 5 years ago she has plenty of time and tips under her belt.
The BSL website is built beautifully and is easy to navigate making for a really easy experience when hunting for resources! Plus when it comes to resources Sophie has it all!
This blog has a page with dedicated posts and downloadable resources that you can save to your laptop, iPad, or phone to use whenever you need them!
Trust me you will use them time and time again! Sophie’s super clear with her approach to what you need to do to have a successful blog and how you need to do it!
It is so key when forming your strategies, not only does she have her own courses you can complete on blogging, Pinterest, and email lists, but she is super willing to share all the places she has found valuable information and courses.
This means she is a total book of knowledge when it comes to the world of blogging! Another fantastic feature of the BSL collection is their YouTube channel, one for interior design which Sophie is known best for, and one for blogging advice!
It is full of 10-minute videos that are full to the brim with useful bitesize advice!
What more could you want? This is definitely a blogger to help start your blog!
What’s Katie Up To
2. What’s Katie Up To – https://whatskatieupto.com/
Katie Grazer is another fantastic example of a blogger who has so many valuable resources available! She is also a Pinterest expert and if you don’t know by now Pinterest is one of the best tools around for bloggers to drive traffic to their websites!
This makes what Katie brings to the table invaluable! Paired with her YouTube channel full of content that can help with everything from designing pins to writing blog posts she has some wonderful resources and a lot of free taster ones to ensure you get to see her style and make sure it suits you first!
With how bubbly and easily she explains things she offers some fantastic tools to work with when starting and gaining inspiration for your blog! Inside her website is a total gold mine called the “Free Blogger Resource Library!”
This treasure trove of information contains 30+ PDFs that are more than packed full of information to help you learn and grow super fast!
It contains amazing guides like, How To Start A Blog Guide, Blog niche ideas, branding and design guides, and every single Pinterest guide you could ever think of!
Katie Grazer is a must-have for new bloggers and business owners as she just provides so much easy-to-understand quality content!
Nakisha Wynn
3. Nakisha Wynn – https://www.nakishawynn.com/
This is a super fave of mine! I found Nakisha on YouTube to start with and there is another treasure trove of information and inspiration!
When I am having a down day, stuck on what to do next, or just need some inspiration Nakisha’s resources, blog, and YouTube channel are just endless forms of inspiration to ensure I stay motivated!
She talks a lot about being truthful to yourself and organic and it is so true and so important. As well as encouraging all the mums and women out there to step out of their comfort zone and to get in front of that camera and just get that traffic and get those followers.
Sometimes just hearing someone be truthful and real can be so motivating and can help to just set you up right. Nakisha’s resources for side hustles and business ideas for mums are so great!
Watching her bubbly videos are just good for the soul, taking advantage of the resources she has on offer is a must-do for inspiration and education!
She is full of great advice and that is something that doesn’t come around all the time! Her website is designed beautifully and gives you access to plenty of her products and courses which is such a great way to gain valuable insight into the content-creating world with such realism.
She Means Blogging
4. She Means Blogging – https://shemeansblogging.com/
She Means Blogging is the blogging files of the internet! With hundreds of quality content-filled blog posts, this is the place to go for all your blogging needs!
There is an article for everything, all in one place! It is so good to be able to look through all the blog posts and see all the jam-packed information provided in them. It is beneficial for learning and finding new resources!
The extensively researched posts offer so many valuable tidbits that help with content creation and pointers to creating a profitable blog and business.
Arfa the wonderful lady behind this website, is truly a blogging extraordinaire! She has a way of talking that just makes sense and it makes her content such a great learning opportunity.
Along with her incredible content, she has plenty of free resources too, most of which are so fantastic in guiding you at the beginning of your blogging journey! Possibly my favorite part of She Means Blogging is the email courses!
This is a blogger who will help start your blog in every way you can think of!
The email courses involve valuable information straight to your inbox which means you get the chance to feel totally connected to Arfa and her message it also means you don’t have to go searching for the information! It is an invaluable tool!
Ladies Make Money
5. Ladies Make Money – https://www.ladiesmakemoney.com/
Ladies Make Money! I found this blog on Pinterest. Underneath their site name says “A Ladies Guide To Making Money Online” and it is this and so much more.
Again blogs that inspire me are blogs with fantastic resources and blogs that speak to me on a somewhat personal level. They have a fantastic 7-day course on starting a profitable blog, it is fantastic straight from someone who is completing it at the moment.
The information inside it is totally valuable and gives you so much to think about daily. Again offering these email services is a wonderful way to provide your readers and followers with valuable information straight to their phones and daily! Keep the ball rolling ya know!
Their website is beautiful too and contains so many gems! Blogging freebies, blog planners, and blogging income strategies if you are after information that is going to bring value and show real changes in your content and the people who will see it!
Their store also contains some wonderful planners and digital products that are going to help you get clear on your blogging goals and kick those goals!
This is definitely a blogger to help start your blog.
Again utilizing the resources available to you is so important to make a fantastic start to your blogging journey!
Grab our business goals worksheet to help plan your new blogging business!
Twins Mommy
6. Twins Mommy – https://twinsmommy.com/
Elna’s story is amazing! A mum of two she is a busy lady without a doubt! Her blog contains so much value and insight into how she started earning a full-time income within 6 months of starting a job she didn’t know a lot about!
She started her blog to help other mums do the same thing! Her tools and resources are wonderfully easy to understand and with so much to do in the early days of blogging, those resources are so valuable!
Getting clear about what you want in the early days of blogging is key to your success and understanding what you have to do to work your website instead of your website works for you!
Her website is fantastic for those looking to create a business out of their blog or whatever it is you have to offer!
With loads of free resources to download and make the most of Elna’s website and get the resources, you need to help you start a successful blog!
Stray Curls
7. Stray Curls – https://straycurls.com/
This might be my most favourite blog of all time!
I love love love the way she talks in her blog posts, she is light hearted, informative, and super easy to understand which is a blessing!
The resources available on here are fantastic and you are missing out if you haven’t got into everything she has available on her blog!
Angela also has a fantastic email course on starting a blog, no matter what stage your at there is total gold within this course!
Her beautifully categorized blog has so many little bits of gold and resources. You really need to make the most of this blog!
Plus her drawings are gorg!!! She is definitely a blogger who will help you start your blog!
Making Sense of Cents
8. Making Sense of Cents – https://www.makingsenseofcents.com/
Making Sense of Cents… what started as a personal finances blog is now a total treasure trove full of amazing resources teaching you how to make money from blogging, looking at saving money and so much more!
The fantastic thing about Michelle’s blog is she is finance focused! This can be so important and helpful when you are starting your blog, finding out ways to grow and increase your business is so important as you begin to find who you are and what you want to put in your little space on the internet!
Some amazing cash-making ideas on there can allow you maybe invest a little more time into your blog before it comes as successful as you know it can be!
The resources are extensive and tried and used by Michelle herself so you know everything works! What better place is there to get financial advice than from someone who is living their dream?
The Side Blogger
9. The Side Blogger – https://www.thesideblogger.com/
The Side Blogger is another one of my absolute favorite’s. She has so many super beautifully designed resources!
Her way of talking is clear cut and super informative and this means you can get so much value from her posts and resources.
She has a fantastic range of posts that have heaps of insight into blogging and making money blogging. It is a great place to get info for total beginners and those that are looking for some more intermediate advice.
She has some amazing freebies that will help you on your way and her email list is jam packed with quality advice so you NEED to be on that!
You need to look at this blogger to help start your blog!
She also offers writing workshops which is one thing I haven’t found anywhere else so make the most of that offer!
Boss Girl Bloggers
10.Boss Girl Bloggers – https://bossgirlbloggers.com/
Boss Girl Bloggers is a treasure trove of resources for budding bloggers and Pinterest marketers!
This one is as simple as they have so many amazing, amazing resources for you to take advantage of!
They also have fantastic Pinterest resources which is so key to marketing your blog!
So go and make the most of those Pinterest resources now so that you can grow your traffic and your blog.
Grab our free content planner! Total essential when your planning that perfect blog post.
Create And Go
11.Create and Go – https://createandgo.com/
Create and Go have some fantastic resources available!
The one I love the most is their free ebook on how to make money blogging. It totally changed my perspective and made me more motivated to hit my goals!
They also have some of the best reviewed courses around that I have seen!
they are on my to do list as their book converted me over with just how honest and real they are.
Making the most of their resources is super important.
Mommy On Purpose
12. Mommy On Purpose – https://mommyonpurpose.com/
This is another fantastic blogger who is well accredited for her pinning method.
Her manual pinning strategy, ebook and course detailing it are so well reviewed it is totally unreal!
The feedback and endless reviews of this is endless so the proof is in the pudding.
Her blog and website are full of wonderful resources.
Carly has a wonderful way of speaking and I could spend hours just reading through and enjoying her content!
You need the pinterest advice from this blogger who will help start your blog!
There you go! The 12 best bloggers who offer valuable resources and are great on days where you need a boost of motivation! Let me know if any of these ladies are your faves!
These bloggers will help you start your blog.
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