Positive Birthing Advice for First Time Mums is totally invaluable and important to helping you on your journey to natural birth.
Wanting to find advice that will actually help settle your mind coming up to your due date/ due month?

I am due to give birth in just over a month so I have been researching extensively… so I have created this post as a library of useful helpful information!
DISCLAIMER: This post contains real birth stories and info but it is in general all positive to help encourage and support you on your journey to birthing your baby! A Real Mum NZ is not a medical professional, any advice taken is done so at the readers own risk!

With 5 weeks to go (not considering when she decides to come) my brain is constantly running around saying..
“The baby is coming!”
“The baby is coming?”
“The baby… is coming!!”
Positive birthing advice for first time mums is what is helping me to actually get some sleep at night!
It is a mixture of excitement, nerves and have I got everything I need?
To start with I think the most important thing to consider is what you are telling your body! Everything you fixate on now is going to contribute to your reality. Don’t forget that…
You need to be really focusing on positive birth stories, positive birth info, positive birth affirmations and anything you can do to be your best self when your baby decides it is coming!

The best labour advice resources:
A Life In Labor…( Positive birthing advice for first time mums! )
The first article I read earlier in pregnancy was this one below!
Honestly it is still my favorite! I go back and read this one all the time for totally practical and settling advice.
Being a labour and delivery nurse means she has a great way of explaining everything that will be important in your journey super clearly!
Mommy on Purpose…
The next post has a range of advice from people who have been through birth, it also isn’t your generic advice you might hear from your cousin and aunt!
One thing that stands out for me is “If you were in a coma your body could deliver your baby.”
That totally changes my mindset personally around birth. Birth now seems like something I need to allow my body to do without my interference!
Instead of worrying about it, I need to simply trust my body and the process of labor.
The other great piece of advice that speaks to me it about taking antenatal or prenatal classes in the comfort of your own home!
Feeling prepared and understanding what your body needs to successfully labor is a great step to helping have a positive birth experience!
Fit Mom Birth Geek
This article is great, it chats a lot about some of the misconceptions regarding birth and how they might affect your labor!
Being aware of these things will help you be more informed when it comes to laboring!
Again knowledge is power, and remember; the more you know the more you will feel in control and trust in your labour.
The advice in this blog post is super actionable and could be great to write into a list of things you want to remember for labour!
Sometime with the excitement of baby arriving you might forget all the wonderful things your learning at this stage!
Having a too remember: list during labour wont do any harm if there are certain things you think are MUSTS to remember!
Smart Mom Ideas
Smart Mom Ideas is written by none other than Elna Cain. Her way of writing is wonderful!
This article is full of really clear helpful advice for your labour! The other benefit is the clarity within her post!
When your searching for info to put your mind at ease clarity is such a big one!
Distraction is a great tip! Labor can take a long time especially the beginning of it! So distracting yourself is going to make labour go a lot quicker!
As well as talking about the usefulness of breathing exercises and mindset this post truly is a great one for peace of mind. Especially if your prepping for your first birth.
Young Mommas Life
When your researching for labour you want to hear positive stories, but you also want to hear realistic stories. Things that are going to truly prepare you for labour.
There have been countless times throughout my pregnancy I have scared myself. Trust me it happens.
So this article is a fave, she is totally clear on her expectations and then what reality was like!
Discussing how important your support person is, and how important your mindset is was also a great reinforcer that I am doing the right things to prepare myself.
Conquering Motherhood
This article is jam packed with info! It has everything you could need. Again finding info and articles like this has helped me sleep better!
This article is great as it discuses the very real benefits of practicing certain techniques before you actually get to being in labour!
Breathing techniques and affirmations will work best when it is second nature to you!
Having this info really helps you to feel motivated in your preparation for birth!
This article also discusses hypno birthing and some of the benefits. Plus offers a great free course that allows you to make an informed choice on whether it is for you!
The Informed Birth
This post is great for discussing ways you can intend to avoid medical intervention.
It is really good to look at the positives of a natural birth and see whether this is the right option for you!
Medical intervention can be totally necessary and super helpful, but going into it with the understanding of what your body is designed to do can limit the chances of it happening!
It also discuses the positives of being totally there during your labor and birth experience!
One Weird Mama
This one has a great discussion on the sounds you can make to actually encourage relaxation within labour!
Instead of the horror screaming you may see on TV!
Understanding the sounds you can make to benefit your labour is super important.
Low sounds actually encourage your body to relax and this is a fantastic way to stay calm and continue to progress in your labour.
Labour is a really individual process and we are gathering more and more new research on the process and best way to labour everyday.
With labour knowledge is the biggest super power you have!
Preparing yourself will help with your feelings and anxiety through your labour. It is really important to have a good understanding of the process you will go through once your in labour!

Again I think it is so important to look at positive stories, as well as reading positive affirmations and any sort of resource that is going to positively affect you or your labour.
Always remember that YOU are in control of YOUR labour, having a birth plan can really help making sure your midwife and birth partner can ensure your wishes are carried out!
REMEMBER: You are designed to do this! You are totally capable and you are so close to meeting your baby!
I can’t wait to meet our girl as well as to be able to share my journey with labour and to be able to create my own list of best advice!
Especially after having a first hand experience!
It is getting close now…
Let me know what your favorite piece of advice for labour was below! What is the best part of Positive Birthing for First Time Mums?
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